Sorry, I changed my mind.


Have you ever volunteered for an event or agreed to help someone only to realize that you either can’t do it anymore or you simply don’t want to? Perhaps you were given partial information when you said yes and now that you have the whole story you are no longer interested. Now that you’ve learned the bake sale you volunteered for is 5 hours long instead of the original 3 you were told and that it’s on Saturday not Sunday, what do you do? Do find a way to make it happen or do you say, “Sorry, I changed my mind.”  Continue reading

Stressed Out Students

Stressed student

Its 4 am and you have been at your desk for six hours with little show except for your name, date, and a blinking cursor. The paper is due at 8am. “I’ll never get this done. It’s so f*****g hard!” Then you get angry and lash out at your roommate while he’s watching reruns of I Love Lucy (what else is on at 4am?). You think to yourself, “Maybe I should drop out.”  Continue reading

This time I’m serious!


So 2013 is here. Actually, its been here. How are those resolutions going? Hopefully you’ve made it to the gym by now, especially since you’re paying. Perhaps your resolution wasn’t to work out more, but smoke less or go back to school. Have you contacted admissions yet?  Continue reading

Newtown is My Town.

Left to right: Asrielle, 4; Jaeson 3 months; Tamar 2

Left to right: Asrielle, 4; Jaeson 3 months; Tamar 2

A couple of days ago I was given a taste of what it would be like should any harm come to my children. As a father of three, I grieve for families who have lost  God’s most precious gift. Gone are the bedtime stories and the 2 am calls to “get the monster”. Gone are the cold little hands and feet sneaking into your bed because there’s something magical about mommy and daddy’s bed.  Continue reading

Sometimes I really can’t stand you!

Any couple that has been together for any stretch of time, married or dating, has experienced some changes. This includes no longer opening the car door or leaving post-its in their lunch with love messages.  Continue reading

Make Room for Your Growth!

We all desire to grow and prosper. Unfortunately, not everyone prepares for that growth and before you know it feels like you are being squeezed from all sides and running out of room.

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Are you a cheater?

Infidelity – Cheating is an Epidemic

When it comes to marriages, statistics show that the parties involved have either cheated in the past, is currently cheating, or will cheat in 80% of all marriages over the course of the marriage. According to these same statistics, approximately 50% of married women and 60% of married men are cheating. And while an affair can be physical and sexual, it can also be a romantic friendship or a strong emotional attachment.
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